Nina, a Latvian woman, is one of countless ordinary people caught up in the tragedy of two world wars. As a child, during the first world war, and as a grown woman during the second world war she is forced by the violence and insanity around her to seek safety elsewhere, but, as she soon discovers, nowhere is safe. When, in 1944, with her life shattered and her family decimated, she dares contemplate the possibility of crossing the Baltic Sea to Sweden, she does not know whether or not she will ever see her homeland or her loved ones again. She does not even know if she will reach Sweden. There is a space in between the beginning and the end, between joy and loss, between light and dark... Reviews for The Space in Between ‘... it is a story that needs to be told about Latvia's moment in history's narrative. It is a history that cries out to be explored since I am sure, like me, there are many out there who are completely unaware of the suffering and abuse visited upon that country and its inhabitants as it became the object of desire for both Russia and Germany and a victim of the politics of the times. ‘What an amazing story and so beautifully told. A story that is no doubt true for countless others in the past as well as right now. Here's a few of my favourite quotes: ‘... The Space In Between tells the story of Nikolina, who is most often called Nina in the novel, as she and her family face danger as her homeland, Latvia, struggles for its independence... ’ Continue reading Lauralee Jacks' review. ‘... It is well written and brings home to you the horror of war and how it affects families and communities; the horror of losing family members and destruction of a nation's heritage. It also gives you an insight into the plight of refugees, and why they leave their home country; loss of freedom, life styles and loss of trust in government... ’ Margaret ‘... Den är uppdelad på ett lättfattligt sätt och jag blev förvånad, att det var få ord som var svåra att förstå. Det är ett historiskt dokument med gripande människoöden sedda ur författarens synvinkel. Beskrivning av natur, nära miljöer och vardagsliv är så väl beskrivna, att i min fantasi kan jag se det framför mej, höra ljuden och känna dofterna! Trots en inre längtan "hem", att allt ska kunna återgå till det normala, har Nikolina visat en otrolig förmåga att anpassa sig och börja om på nytt. Vilken styrka och mod trots alla förluster!...’ Ingeborg ‘... This thoughfully written book gave me an insight into the struggles experienced by people living in the Baltic States, specifically Latvia, throughout the first and second world wars. Sandwiched between the warring powers of Germany and Russia, they were powerless to prevent occupation and brutal treatment by both sides. Nina's story reveals a close attachment to family, sometimes strained by the necessity for living in cramped conditions as refugees, and by separations as some members flee invading forces and others choose to stay behind. Diane Eklund–Abolins conveys strongly the sense of despair and fear experienced by Nina and her family, but also the determination to make a new life wherever they found themselves. I really enjoyed reading this book...’ Susan ‘... Jag har just sträckläst din fantastiska bok. Är helt tagen av den. Måste säga att jag inte hade en aning om att de baltiska staterna for så illa redan vid första världskriget. När vi läste om första världskriget i skolan, berördes bara kriget för England, Tyskland och Ryssland. Däremot under andra världskriget pratades även om Baltstaterna. (...) Jag kunde inte sluta läsa (...) Så rörande berättelser om allt som hände (Nina, Ernests) och även alla släktingar. Delvis helt förfärligt skrämmande läsning. (...) Så hemskt att komma till ett land och inte kunna språket och till råga på allt bara kunna ett språk som då blev alltmer avskytt – tyska. Sitt eget språk kunde hon ju inte använda. Kan bara tänka mig hur svårt hon måste ha haft med att lära sig svenska. Vill bara tacka dig för denna otroligt intressanta bok!...’ Eva–Britt ‘... I am just writing to let you know how much I enjoyed reading your book. I LOVED it!... You had such empathy with Nina and the others, including Andris. It just amazed me how you could ‘get inside their heads’ so well. I totally forgot that you were the author at times, as I was so absorbed in the lives of your characters...’ Ruth “... It is amazing to me that people can survive such loss and trauma and still retain their positivity and ability to connect with people. I was very aware when reading the book that there are many people around the world experiencing similar trauma now but it is so far from our own lived experience (so far from the petty election–time arguments of our own government – although I guess that's a good thing), that I wonder how my generation would cope in those circumstances – how people would behave? Anyway, I found it compelling, which is a great thing in a book...” Ingrid “... I adore beautifully written books and yours certainly is one of them. The added plus was that it was about a real person. It was poignant and illuminating and the way you expressed thoughts and emotions often took my breath away. Lines like 'days were like a piece of string, no longer pulled taut but lying loose and twisted on the ground' and Ernst's musings 'the present was merely an illusion and life moved in ultra speed from what had not yet happened to the past'. The list goes on. When Ernst talked about music being bigger than everything and that it incorporates everything it really resonated with me. Music was the catalyst that brought my late husband and me together (...) and I don't know how I would have coped after he died if I hadn't had the solace of so much gloriously ethereal music to continue to listen to that had impacted on us so profoundly. The Space in Between is such a heartbreaking story and it is wonderful that you were able to tell Nina's story to the world in such a touching way. I hope you don't stop there but continue to keep writing...” Robyn ‘... Diane Eklund–Āboliņš has done an excellent job in portraying Nina's life. Her exhaustive accurate research both historical and political places all protagonists clearly in the despairing period that existed in Latvia and indeed all the Baltic countries. The word pictures she has painted throughout the book are most colourful and descriptive allowing the reader to be involved in the lives and actions of the characters...’ Coll |